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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


La Gomera

Circular Walk from Hermigua

Thursday 2nd March 2017

  We walked up and onto Hermigua's flanking ridge for scenic views over the coast to the island of Tenerife and El Teide Peak. We then traversed along the coastline through lush shrubs and trekking volcanic paths all the way to La Caleta beach where we stopped for lunch.



Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
19.0 6H35   978 1,062 82 409




Courtesy of https://www.orangesmile.com/common/img_city_maps/gomera-island-map-1.jpg

Reproduced under licence from the La Gomera Tour & Trail Map 1:35,000
copyright David Brawn of Discovery Walking Guides Ltd.

Leaving the hotel and heading down to the church




The local gofio producer


  Gofio is the Canarian name for flour made from roasted grains (typically wheat or certain varieties of maize) or other starchy plants (e.g. beans and, historically, fern root), some varieties containing a little added salt. Gofio is thought to have been the main staple of the diet of the Guanches, the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands, who produced it from barley and the rhizome of certain ferns.  




Looking back across the valley



Heather, Rob, Hilarie and Christine

Gareth, Warren and Enekoiz











Rob, Hilarie and Louise








Hermigua from Mirador de la Orilla