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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


Friday 18th October 2019

Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
16.0 4H21 3H40 645 514 331 605







Ready for off on our last day's walk.
L to R Mick, Jim, Lesley, Robin, Aileen, Johanna and Paul

Leaving Pienza

On to the Pienza Strada Panoramica





Olive harvesting

A brief rest before the push up the hill to the ice cream parlour



Looking back to Pienza





Johanna and Ben

Aileen and Robin

Paul, Lesley and Jim


The fortifications of Monticchiello









Autumn leaves



Disaster! It was shortly after this point that Johanna slipped and broke her arm.

Claire arrived with the mini-bus and ferried Johanna to hospital with Aileen and Robin in attendance.
A much reduced group walked on to Montepulciano.



Overtaking two other walkers. They were on an organised town-to-town hike


San Biagio and Montepulciano ahead

San Biagio

San Biagio

Entering Montepulciano

The cathedral



Time for a beer and a pizza


Aileen must have been thirsty.... she does not normally have 3 beers!

Paul, Ben and Robin

Aileen shared her beers after all

Ben, Robin and Lesley




The buildings came to life in the late afternoon sun



Aileen, Robin, Lesley and Jim

A replica of Leonardo da Vinci's equestrian statue

Shrine of Saint Agnese

The saint’s shrine is located facing the 16th century ramparts of the Porta al Prato, that open into the lower part of the historical centre. The shrine is set on a hillock outside the town walls and was founded by the Domenican nun, Saint Agnese Segni (1268-1317), in 1306. The hill chosen by the saint on which to build her church, following a vision of a stairway from its summit unifying earth and sky, was occupied by brothels and Angese bought it for 1,200 lire. So the hill was transformed from a sinful to a holy place. The church, monumental cloister and its convent – now totally transformed – host the undecayed body of Saint Agnese and many of her relics. Montepulciano’s saint was a mystic and God bequeathed her with numerous celestial attributes such as heavenly visions, trances and miracles.