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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


Camino Portugués


Day To Distance Time Elevation in meters
Gain Loss Min Max
14 Arcos
Quinta S. Miguel de Arcos
25.49 5H44 5H19 329 354 6 112





It was throwing it down with rain on the Monday morning when I left at 8 a.m. and the traffic was really busy in the rush hour. I had intended to go to Vilarinho, some 25.9 km from Oporto according to the guide book. I took a taxi to the outskirts of Oporto, to Araújo, and started walking from the Church. The day before I had been to Decathlon in Oporto to buy a light weight parka I could put over the top of my goretex suit, and this worked well. It kept the rain off, and although it made me a bit hotter as it did not breathe, this was not a bad thing as it was so cold! As it happens, I walked past Vilarinho to Arcos, over 25 km.



18th century church of St. Peter, Araújo.
(Igreja de São Pedro de Araújo)

Dark and dismal, I was hoping for better things to come on the Oporto-Santiago section



An advert for Casa Laura, where I intended to stay








I came to this sign at Joudina, and sought advice in a nearby coffee shop. It seemed to me that the road straight ahead was the road for Vilarinho, and the path to the right was a detour to an albergue. I should probably have taken more notice of the "!" mark on the road ahead. This bit of road was really dangerous as it was narrow and enclosed by stone walls on either side.


Not much fun on this section when traffic approached

An encouraging sign ..... 600 m to go

Traffic lights at main crossroads in Vilarinho I checked again, and yes, Casa de Laura was straight ahead.
but somehow I missed it and walked right through Vilarinho without stopping!

Casa da Laura was off to the right along Rua Estreita, just off the N306.
I was so close but did not see any signs pointing to it.

The church in Vilarinho.

Should I go back? I saw a sign for Quinta São Miguel de Arcos which was another 6 km and decided to push on.


Ponte de Zameiro over the rio Ave




Approaching Arcos


rio Este

