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River Cruises


Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


The Camino de Invierno

Tuesday 30th April 2019


I have recorded the stats for this section for information, but due to continuing problems with my right leg, the amount of climbing involved, and the isolation of this section I decided no to do it, but to take a taxi from Quiroga to A Proba de Brollón (Taxis are typically Euro 1.1 per kilometer, and this ride cost Euro 24)


Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
23.84     1,059 906 300 590



A Proba de Brollón to Monforte de Lemos

Tuesday 30th April 2019

Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
13.23 3H26 2H40 101 184 298 441




Courtesy of www.gronze.com

Courtesy of www.gronze.com


The taxi dropped me off in front of the Concello de Proba de Brollón, which is right next to the camino. There is a bar next door which is convenient for the first coffee of the day.

Cafe-Bar Avenida

Why are these coffee bars always populated by older men first thing in the morning? Are they
escaping their wives, or is it the opposite, their wives have kicked them out?

A Proba de Brollón high street..... unfortunately no accommodation here


Immediately into lush, green open countryside






It is such a pleasure when you find a bench to sit on!




First sighting of the Parador hotel in Monforte de Lemos in the distance



My idyllic spot for lunch, next t a babbling brook. I had Tostaditas Frutas y Pipas de Calabaza with Queso de Oveja Curado..... quite nice! I did not linger long......there were horse flies around!

Getting closer to the Parador

Crossing the rail tracks into central Monforte de Lemos


The Parador Hotel

The joy of luxury

First priority ...... a beer




My dinner at the Parador comprised octopus paté, Caldo galego soup and Lor River Trout..... washed down with a couple of glasses of white "Moreinos" wine. A step up from my stand-by jamon serrano bocadillo!