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River Cruises


Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


Via Podiensis

27th April 2015


Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
28.5 6H30          




Rain and thunderstorms had been forecast for the Monday, and they were not wrong. It was pretty wet and windy when I left Fawlty Towers..... I mean Hotel Malpel. This was probably the low point of the whole walk, but fortunately I bumped into Renée and Jean-Jacques again at Montredon. They had not gone into the centre of Decazeville, which is not strictly speaking on the Camino, but had stayed at Livinhac. We walked together for the rest of the day and I was grateful for the company.


The chapelle at Montredon

Jean-Jacques and Renée leading the way through the rain

Not a pretty picture with the low rain clouds

The paths were turned into running streams



Looking a bit wet and bedraggled

The church at Guirande. From this point we decided to walk along the road as the paths were so waterlogged





We bypassed St Felix, and by the time we reached St Jean Mirabel we were pretty wet and cold. Jean-jacques knocked on the door of a small farmhouse and asked if we could shelter in an open barn for a short while, which the farmer thankfully agreed.


Jean-Jacques brewing up as we dried off


Only 3.7 km left to Figeac

Approaching Figeac

Figeac Church


Accommodation Notes