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Sennen Cove to Porthcurno

20th July 2012


Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
10.5 3H00   737 743    




The starting point, the car park at Sennen Cove Harbour



The climb to the observation point above Sennen Cove, on Pedn-men-du cliffs

Pedn-men-du cliffs at Sennen are popular with climbers


Looking along the coast towards Land's End from Sennen Cove Observatino point.

Looking back over Sennen Cove. From the observation point three huge basking sharks could
be seen in the shallow waters below

Huge basking shark

The path towards Land's End


Land's End in the distance

Longships Lighthouse


Longships is the name given to a group of rocks situated 1.25 miles to the west of Land's End.The original Longships Lighthouse was built in 1795 on the highest point of the largest rock and was replaced with a new lighthouse in December 1873. Since 1988, the lighthouse has beenautomated. Its light is 10 seconds bright followed by 10 seconds dark, and has a range of 19 miles.


The less attractive side of Land's End.... the hotel and amusement park

An old lifeboat on display at Land's End

The path leading away from Land's End

Rock formation "Enys Dodnan" in the forground, with "Armed Knight" behind



Gwennap Head in the distance





Pendower Cove


Pendower Cliffs

Beacon near Hella Point

As you approach the headland, and the seas are rough you may hear an eerie moaning sound coming from off-shore.This noise is created as a warning to shipping by water rising and falling through a tube in the buoy that marks the hazardous offshore reefs known as the Runnel Stone, on which many ships have been wrecked. Additional warnings are given by a bell and flashing light on the buoy, and the two cone shaped navigation markers (Day marks) on the headland. If the view from a boat of the inland (black and white) marker is completely obscured by the more seaward (red) marker, then the boat would be bang on top of the Runnel Stone, and so obviously skippers aim to keep the two beacons well apart.



Looking down to Porthgwarra




Looking back towards Porthgwarra, Hella Point and Gwennap Head