
Recent Activities

The Name

Mountain Walks

Pilgrim Walks

Fell Walks

Coast Walks

Other Walks


Hiking Statistics


River Cruises


Cornwall Cathedrals Copyright


The intent of this website is to share with others my experiences and enthusiasm for mountain, pilgrim and distance walking. The site relies heavily on my own photos; a photo is worth a thousand words, and it is hope that seeing them will encourage others to tackle some of these walks. There are numerous very good guide books that you can use, such as Topo Guides, Cicerone, Terre di Mezzo etc, to study every aspect of these walks, but I hope that this website will offer a personal perspective that is not always present in a general guidebook.

Whilst copyright in the bulk of the photos on this site is mine, I have used some material originated by third parties. All of this is accredited. Where possible I have sought and obtained permission to use content, such as the "Recent" logo on the opening page, the Gronze maps of Camino de Invierno and the "Tour & Trail" maps from copyright holder Mr David Brawn. I also use "OpenStreet" maps derived from personal Garmin GPS sources, and I have listed below the copyright conditions for their use.


Fair Balance

For other material I have relied on "Fair balance" use under copyright laws.


As well as owning copyright works yourself, you may wish to make use of someone else’s copyright protected works. There are certain very specific situations where you may be permitted to do so without seeking permission from the owner. Certain exceptions only apply if the use of the work is a ‘Fair dealing’.........

‘Fair dealing’ is a legal term used to establish whether a use of copyright material is lawful or whether it infringes copyright. There is no statutory definition of fair dealing - it will always be a matter of fact, degree and impression in each case. The question to be asked is: how would a fair-minded and honest person have dealt with the work?

Factors used to determine whether a particular dealing with a work is fair include:

  • You are allowed to copy limited extracts of works when the use is non-commercial research or private study.........
  • You must ensure that the work you reproduce is supported by a sufficient acknowledgement.......
  • Does using the work affect the market for the original work? If a use of a work acts as a substitute for it, causing the owner to lose revenue, then it is not likely to be fair dealing............
  • Is the amount of the work taken reasonable and appropriate? Usually only part of a work may be used.........

Google Maps, Google Earth and Street View

Use of these resources is generally allowed without the need to submit a request providing that you follow the Terms of Service, as well as attributing properly. Use of the content may be acceptable under principles of fair use ( or other similar concepts in other countries). You may annotate these maps with additional information - like points, lines or labels either by using Google products or exporting the image to third-party software. See the link below for full details.


Whilst the author has taken reasonable care to ensure that the information on this website is correct and as accurate as possible at the time of writing, it is each person's responsibility to check the material and to use it accordingly. The author accepts no liability for activities based upon or encouraged by a person's viewing and interpretation of the material on this site.