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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


Sunday 27th August 2023

Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
16.4 8H28 7H00 (*) 953 1,007 1,700 2,203


(*) Best estimate



Map courtesy of Garmin

Base map courtesy of Tabacco Maps

Base map courtesy of Tabacco Maps

Elevation diagram courtesy of Garmin

Ready for off...... 08:40 hrs


We walked along the left hand side of the road for a kilometer or so, before crossing to pick up a gravel track





One man and his dog looking after the herd of cows



Casera Vescova 1722m






Onwards towards Rifugio Coldai


The climb up to Rifugio Coldai

The cage and ropeway they use to get supplies to the rifugio

Rifugio Coldai 2,135m

6.58 km in 4H00 to this point




The path beyond Riugio Coldai

Lago di Coldai




Time for lunch

I fear this is Mick telling another joke!




The Civetta on the left










Looking back, with the Civetta on the right


Probably Moiazza Nord ahead

Definitely in for a change of weather!




Rifugio Vazzoler 1714m



Spaghetti Junction
