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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


The Stevenson Trail

20th September 2015

Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
14.64 4H10 3H01 485 592 185 605





André and Marc readying themselves for the day's walk

Leaving St Étienne Vallée Française

Looking back towards St Étienne Vallée Française, with the church in the town and the chateau high on the hill



Francine and Bernard

Marc, Francine, Bernard and André


Only 8 km to go to the end of my 260 km journey. I wonder how Robert Louis Stevenson
was feeling when he reached this point.

Entering Department du Gard just after Col Sainte Pierre





Arriving at St Jean du Gard


The Stevenson Monument


Accommodation Notes

Hotel Oronge,
Place de la Révolution,
30270 St Jean du Gard

Tel: 04 66 86 05 52