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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


The Stevenson Trail

15th September 2015

Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
17.35 4H00 3H36 553 643 1,073 1,413






The Mirandol railway viaduct in Chasserades. Stevenson stayed in the same lodgings as the
men surveying the railway line in 1878, but it was not built until 24 years later.

Imagine how the people felt when this great construction was put through their quiet and tiny village!


André and myself catching up with André & Ursula again

Heading out of Chasserades


Les Alpiers



Dropping down into Le Bleymard

The black and red sign bottom right is the most important.... a Carrefour store that is open
reasonable hours, and right opposite the Hotel de Remise



The classic roof style with heavy stone slates called "lauzes"

(The difference between lauzes and laves is that laves are made of basaltic, volcanic rock, while lauzes are made of limestone or other sedimentary rock)


Accommodation Notes

Hotel La Remise
48190 Le Bleymard
Tel: 04 66 48 65 80


Hotel La Remise


The dining room

The breakfast room