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The Stevenson Trail

9th May 2016

Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
18.76 5H48 4H36 622 806 877 1,637




Compared to September 2015, we took a lower route avoiding Sommet de Finniels because of the weather.

Leaving Le Bleymard in the rain (Photo JJB)

We were in for a wet day!

Looking back over the rather dismal scene of Le Bleymard (Photo JJB)

Struggling with the climb (Photo JJB)



The weather closes in as Jonathan and Jean-Marc catch us up (Photo JJB)

Mick looking like a drowned rat as we approach the ski station (Photo JJB)

It was pretty bleak at the ski station, but we managed to find a place offering coffee

Drying out over a coffee

Dutch walkers Loes and Kees arrive, also looking a bit bedraggled!

Heading up Mount Lozere guided by the "montjoies"




Arriving at Finniels (Photo JJB)

(Photo JJB)

Drying off in a small shelter at Finniels

Time for lunch

Ready to tackle the last few kilometers to Pont de Montvert



Pont de Montvert comes into sight

(Photo JJB)







Accommodation Notes




Dining room

Room in the annex..... basic but clean