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Cornwall Cathedrals Copyright




Jardin de Cactus


The Cactus Garden is a magnificent example of an integrated architectural intervention into the landscape. César Manrique created this audacious architectonic complex whilst maintaining the unshakeable pairing of art and nature that is so tangible in all of his spatial interventions. It is located at the town of Guatiza, municipality of Teguise, in an agricultural environment characterized by extensive plantations of cactus dedicated to the cultivation of the "cochineal".





Echinocactus Platyacanthus (Puebla, Mexico)

Aeonium Arboreum Atropurppureum



Cactus Cat



Thanks to the artistry of César Manrique there is no confusing the Ladies and the Gents toilets!

Pachypodium Lamerei Madagascar

Reflection of the windmill in the window of the waiting room