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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright




Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
19.4 6H29 3H53 634 545 176 581





Start of Day 2 outside the supermarket in Yaiza

L to R: Mick, Andrew, Joan, Anna and Helen (Photo: Andreas Weibel)










  Lomo Del Cura

From this hill, which is located in the northern mountain mass of Los Ajaches and which is made from pyroclasm deposits and piling up of lava flows, the parish priest of Yaiza made his observations about the Timanfaya volcanic eruption

" the ground near Timanfaya opened up all of a sudden.... on the first night a huge mountain rose up from the bosom of the earth, and flames escaped from its apex, which were still burning for 19 days. A few days later a new chasm was formed and a lava flow settled down over Timanfaya, Rodeo and part of Mancha Blanca."

In this way, the priest of Yaiza begins his story that would describe the events of the volcanic eruption taking place on the island of Lanzarote in the 18th century.





(Photo: Andreas Weibel)

A new vineyard, laid out in conventional fashion as opposed to the protected pits of the old vines

San Isidro Labrador Church, Uga



Leaving Uga

Heading up to the grape growing area and Montaña de Guardilama

(Photo: Andreas Weibel)


(Photo: Andrew)


Anna, followed closely by Andrew



Mick demonstrating how deep the pits are
(OK, I was cheating by kneeling down as the pit I chose was actually not that deep!)

Montaña de Guardilama (605 m), which we were soon to climb

Andrew (Photo: Andreas Weibel)

L to R: Mick, Joan, Anna, Helen and Andrew (Photo: Andreas Weibel)


The view ahead to Montaña Blanca




Leaving the GR131 at 415 m, we head for the top of Montaña de Guardilama 605 m

L to R: Andreas, Joan, Helen, Anna and Andrew


(Photo: Andreas Weibel)

The view towards Timanfaya


Andrew and Joan

Helen and Anna



Heading down

(Photo: Andreas Weibel)

(Photo: Andreas Weibel)

(Photo: Andreas Weibel)


A rather dry and barren vineyard

The route we took followed a "PR" route rather than the GR itself

Arriving at Tegoyo, and our lunch spot next to the church

Tegoyo Church

Back on the trail to Montaña Blanca

The Veroles plant


Montaña Blanca (599m) ahead; we climbed diagonally up the base to the col on the left

(Photo: Andreas Weibel)

Descending into the village of Montaña Blanca

Reassuring to see our transport at the end of a long walk