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River Cruises


Cornwall Morganeering Copyright





Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
15.4 6H12 3H01 365 381 287 626








Ready to leve Tequise. Due to the wind, the side of my hat has become permantly up! (Photo: Andreas Weibel)

Leaving Teguise (Photo: Anna)

Rigoberto Pérez Camacho. Sculpture at The omenaje "Diabletes Teguise" .
The Diabletes, an ancient tradition linked to the Corpus Christi celebrations in this town since the Middle Ages and subsequently Carnival.

Leaving Teguise


(Photo: Andreas Weibel)

Tomatoes growing on lapilli





(Photo: Anna)



Military radar installation

View back towards Teguise

Approaching Ermita e las Nieves



Heading towards the Famara Cliffs and the highest point in Lanzarote

(Photo: Andrew)

Looking down towards Playa de Famara

An unusual housing development at Playa de Famara viewed from the cliffs (Photo: Andrew)
Caleta de Famara, Urbanization Famara and Playa de Famara are the components of a big sweeping bay. Caleta de Famara is the traditional old fishing village. The Urbanization is a curious rectangular grid of streets set apart from the village consisting of curious semi circular houses.

The cliff path


The cliff edge, with Montaña Amarilla (Isla Graciosa) in the background



Members of a secretive Lanzarote sun-worshipping sect?

(Photo: Andreas Weibel)

Heading down an alternative valley route to Haria

(Photo: Andreas Weibel)

(Photo: Anna)



(Photo: Andreas Weibel)

Palms at César Manrique's house in Haria

(Photo: Andreas Weibel)




Having a well earned beer in Haria (Photo: Andreas Weibel)

