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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


Picos de Europa

Monday 5th September 2016

Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
17.12 5H03   519 674 1,216 1,858





Location of the walk


The starting point for this walk was the village of Llanaves de la Reina, but we had to position a car at the finish at Portilla de la Reina first.



Start of the walk at Llanaves de la Reina, parallel to the watercourse Arroyo del Naranco




The valley, with the Sierra del Orpiñas behind. The hut, Refugio del Tajahierro,
is owned by Santander Mountaineering Club




(Photo: J Knight)

We were heading for the col in the centre of this photo


Interesting rock structure



Final stretch to the col, Portillo del Boquerón, at 1,578 m


Looking back towards the col




Approaching the road at Portilla de la Reina

A short walk up the road to Portilla de la Reina village

We parked the car opposite the albergue in Portilla de la Reina