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Picos de Europa

Day 3 - Sunday 28th August 2016

Peña Oviedo 1,309m

Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
13.13 4H21   678 678 820 1,454




Location of the walk

The circular route from Pembes, with the climb to the peak off to the right

The start point..... Pembes Church

The obligatory group photo.... L to R: Jim, Mick, Robin and Aileen

Looking for the turn off......... Emma (M) leading the way

Heading into the mist.... no glorious scenic views today unfortunately

Our first way-point..... the radio mast



We had a rather large bull to contend with..... but he was no bother



Time for rain jackets

At the peak..... L to R: Emma (M), Robin, Aileen and Mick

Well, the instructions say we go this way............






Not a brilliant place for lunch, but needs must!

Quitameriendas Merendera (Merendera montana)

Coming out of the mist on the way down

Back into Pembes





Back to the church