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Circuits of The Picos De Europa




"El Anillo de Picos" is a circular route that joins several mountain huts in the Picos, revealing all the National Park has to offer. Since it is a hut-to-hut walk, you do not have to begin in a specific place, and can choose where to start from. The longest of the three routes has an elevation change of 9,000 m and a total distance of 115 km, and takes 8 days.

To record the progress of your trip,  a "passport" is available in any of the mountain huts (3€), which can be stamped by the hut wardens indicating the date and time you were there, rather like the "Pilgrims Passport" on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela. It’s not obligatory to stay overnight in the refuges, but it is recommended in many cases due to the difficulty and duration of some stages. It is possible to camp in the Picos de Europa above 1600m of elevation.

There are three options to do the circuit …

  Difficulty: Medium  
  Route: Western Massif  
  Ascent: 3,900 m.  
  Distance/Duration: 63 km. - 4 days  
  Access from: Cangas de Onís, Sajambre or Valdeón.  
  Timings Guide:
  • Valdeón-Ario: 6 hrs.
  • Ario-Vegarredonda: 4-6 hrs.
  • Vegarredonda-Vegabaño: 8-10 hrs.
  • Vegabaño-Valdeón: 4 hrs.


  Difficulty: High  
  Route: Western and Central Massifs  
  Ascent: 7,050 m  
  Distance/Duration: 82 km - 7 days  
  Access from: Cangas de Onís, Sajambre, Valdeón, Liébana and Cabrales  
  Timings Guide:
  • Valdeón-Jermoso: 4 hrs.
  • Jermoso-Verónica: 3 hrs.
  • Verónica-Urriello: 3 hrs.
  • Urriello-Cabrones: 4 hrs.
  • Cabrones-Bulnes: 4 hrs.
  • Bulnes-Ario: 3 hrs.
  • Ario-Vegarredonda: 4-6 hrs.
  • Vegarredonda-Vegabaño: 8-10 hrs.
  • Vegabaño-Valdeón: 4 hrs.


  Difficulty: Very high  
  Route: Western, Central, and Eastern Massifs  
  Ascent: 9,350 m  
  Distance/Duration: 110 km - 8 days  
  Access from: Cangas de Onís, Sajambre, Valdeón, Liébana, Cabrales and Sotres.  
  Timings Guide:
  • Valdeón-Jermoso: 4 hrs.
  • Jermoso-Verónica: 3 hrs.
  • Verónica-Liébana: 1 hrs.
  • Liébana-Ándara: 7-8 hrs.
  • Ándara-Urriellu: 6 hrs.
  • Urriellu-Cabrones: 3 hrs.
  • Cabrones-Bulnes: 4 hrs.
  • Bulnes-Ario: 8 hrs.
  • Ario-Vegarredonda: 4-6 hrs.
  • Vegarredonda-Vegabaño: 8-10 hrs.
  • Vegabaño-Valdeón: 4 hrs.