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Cornwall Cathedrals Copyright


Picos de Europa

PR2 Lagos de Covadonga

  Distance: 3 km (Short route)
5 km (Long route).
  Elevation Change: 50 m.  

1H00 (Short route).
2H50 (Long route);
Additional hour to visit the Visitor Center Pedro Pidal and the model of the Picos de Europa.

  Difficulty: Low  
  Description: This walk around Covadonga Lakes is one of the most visited the National Park Picos de Europa. The geological interest of the lakes themselves and the incredible views make it well worth while. The long route runs through the mysterious beech forest Hayedo de Palomberu and open meadows of Vega de Enol.  


Location Map

Looking south-east over Lake Ercina


Las Reblagas

Lake Ercina from Las Reblagas