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Picos de Europa

PR-PNPE 3 - Ruta del Cares

29th August 2016


  Distance: 12 km (Caín to Poncebos)
21 km (Posada de Valdeón - Poncebos).
  Elevation Change: 899 m descent and 160 m ascent  

3H20 (Caín to Poncebos)
5H30 (Posada de Valdeón - Poncebos)

  Difficulty: Medium. Navigation simple but it is a long route.  
  Description: Among the Central and Western massifs the Cares route is the trail best known. The route it passes through the towns of Posada de Valdeón, Cordiñanes, and Caín in the province of León, and Poncebos in Asturias.  


Potes to Poncebos is 56 km and takes approximately 1 hour 20 minutes to drive

The drive from Potes to Cain is 65 km and takes approximately 1 hour 45 mins

Location Map

Hostal La Ruta in Cain

Albergue "La Taberna de Cain"

Start of "Ruta de Cares" at Cain



Puente de le Rebecos, 1.5 km into the walk from Cain

Puente de Bolin





Culiembro, 5 km into the walk from Cain

The climb to Los Collados, the highest point, 9 km into the walk

View down to Poncebos from Los Collados