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River Cruises


Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


26th March - 20th April 2018

Day Zero

From Lisbon Cathedral to Parque das Nações (Park of Nations)


Day To Distance Time Elevation in meters
Gain Loss Min Max
0 From Lisbon Cathedral to Parque das Nações
Hotel Tivoli Oriente
7.11 1H40 1H29 22 42 4 30







The Lisbon Cathedral Santa Maria Maior de Lisboa or Sé de Lisboa, often called simply the Sé, is a Roman Catholic church and is the oldest church in the city is the see of the Archdiocese of Lisbon. Since the beginning of the construction of the cathedral, in the year 1147, the building has been modified several times and survived many earthquakes. It is a mix of different architectural styles and has been classified as a National Monument since 1910.









Pilgrims at the Cathedral Door

  Dianne   Mick  


This yellow arrow, painted on the base of the right hand tower, is the only indication of the start of the
Camino Portugués! Come on Portugal, surely you can do better than this!!!

A tram trundles past the cathedral

and more modern forms of transport, the tuk-tuk

Off down the narrow streets of the camino


The Church of Santa Engrácia (Igreja de Santa Engrácia) is a 17th-century monument which was originally a church, and in the 20th century it was converted into the National Pantheon (Panteão Nacional), in which important Portuguese personalities are buried. It is located in the Alfama neighborhood, close to another important Lisbon monument, the Monastery of São Vicente de Fora.


Soon in the outskirts of Lisbon, the camino passes through warehouses and industrial areas before
reaching the Parque das Nações