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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


Northern Spain Trip


On the map this side trip appears as a short 14 miles taking 40 minutes, but in reality is a great day out driving along stunning roads and ending up at the two lakes....... with probably some of the best views in the Picos de Europa.

The Basilica at Covadonga


In the year 711 the Iberian Peninsular was invaded by the Moors, occupying the Visigoth kingdom until a Christian leader, Don Pelayo confronted the Muslim army at Covadonga in the year 722, thereby beginning the Reconquest.

More cows on the road as we head up to the lakes

Viewpoint on the way up to the lakes..... with the sea visible in the background.


Lake Enol



Looking back over Lake Enol

Walking up to the scenic ridge between Lake Enol and Lake Ercina (Mirador Entrelagos) ,
with Lake Ercina in the background

Lake Ercina

The saddle between the two lakes


Lake Enol



The car park at Lake Ercina. I imagine this is very busy in the summer months

Lake Ercina with snow covered mountains in the background.

More fluffy-eared cows