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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


The Stevenson Trail

14th September 2015


Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
12.1 2H45 2H30 437 320 1,022 1,312





Passing in front of the railway station as I leave La Bastide for Chasseradès. Looking like rain in the sky!

And over the level crossing


Not much sign of any activity!


The climb out of La Bastide







Andre & Ursula (Germany) who I first met in Pradelles and in Langogne.



A Stevenson & Modestine scarecrow.



Church of Saint Blaise




The communal washhouse

Rainbows over Chasserades. The concrete construction in the foreground is a
man-made tunnel to protect the railway line from snow.


Accommodation Notes



Hotel Restaurant des Sources, located on the outskirts of Chasserades, is a really comfortable
place to stat with excellent food. My room was on the second floor, in the eves,
and is the upper left window in this photo.

Bright and cheery room. It had toilet and washbasin en suite and the shower room was across the corridor.

Patron Eric Chaptal explaining something to André

Marc looking rather pensive!

Marc, Jan and Jacques

Andre persuaded me to try the local tipple "Verveine Velay".