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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright



Sunday 28th July 2024

The path through the canyon of the Gorner Gorge was created in 1886-7 by the brothers Joseph and Elias Lauber and the brothers Joseph and Gabriel Taugwalder. The gorge was assigned to them by the municipality of Zermatt, and in return they were obliged to invite the whole community to a "kolaz" (Snack). The walk through the canyon was done in the most natural way possible using wooded boardwalks and without the use of explosives.

The gorge itself was created by erosion caused by the Gornervispe after the last Ice Age, about 10,000 years ago. The rock belongs to the Serpentinit - a dense black green transformation product of Periodit, which goes back to the Mesozoic period, 220 - 120 million years ago.

The walk goes to Gomerschlucht at 1,710m; you then have a choice of walking back through the gorge or continuing on to Winklematten (15 minutes).

Courtesy of Wikipedia


Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
5.5 2H00   90 90 1,620 1,710


Estimated data: Zermatt 1,620m High point of walk Gornerschluct 1,710m


Walking up the Gornervispe towards Gorner Gorge





Ken, Maura and Deana



Maura, Ken and Deana

Maura, Ken and Deana





View over Zermatt from Gomerschlucht at 1,710m

Deana, Maura, Ken and Mick

Heading back




Ken and Maura

All the earth worships you and sings praises to you


Mick and Maura



Deana, Ken and Maura enjoying a gelato after our walk around the gorge