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River Cruises


Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


Camino Portugués

Day To Distance Time Elevation in meters
Gain Loss Min Max
11 Albergaria a Velha
Casa Da Alameda
15.67 3H48 3H13 199 129 9 123





Since Residencial Celeste is on the outskirts of Águeda our walk today was a bit shorter than the guidebook's 16.3 km. We were pleased that it was such a short day, as we left at 8 a.m. into heavy rain and it rained all day.



Looking back at Residencial Celeste

Leaving Águeda

Ponte romano



Crossing the rio Vouga. This bridge is really high and with the rain there was a lot of spray from the trucks

Taberna Banga Sumo cafe at the end of the bridge is not the most salubrious place,
but it was a chance to dry off and have a coffee

Dianne trying to keep a smile on her face despite being soaked to the skin

Quite an unusual plant




Albergaria a Velha







Casa Alameda

Wet clothes everywhere