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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


Camino Portugués

Day To Distance Time Elevation in meters
Gain Loss Min Max
2 Azambuja
Hotel Ouro
13.9 4H00   33 36 0 21



Yarus left at 6 a.m., and Dianne and I wandered around to McDonald's for breakfast at 6-20 a.m. Only one problem; McDonald's does not open until 8 a.m.! The route today to Azambuja was listed at 30.8 km...... a bit too much for Day 2 after the day we had had before. So we wandered over to Alverca station and bought two tickets for the 7-38 a.m. train that stopped at Vilafranca de Xira, a total cost of 4.20 euro.


The 7-38 a.m. train to Vllafranca. Journey time 6 minutes!

Vilafranca de Xira Station



After breakfast in Vilafranca we headed to open countryside towards Castanheira do Ribatejo

Approaching Castanheira do Ribatejo station, where we crossed over to the west side of the railway track.


Road walking after Castanheira do Ribatejo ; not very safe with traffic speeding towards you


Power Station at Carregado

Pavement walking next to the power station



Vilanova de Rainha

A welcome sight.... a coffee shop at Vilanova de Rainha


Past a memorial to Portugal's airforce, and on to the dreaded N1 highway.


Although there are no trucks in this photo, the N1 is a busy road with virtually every other vehicle being a truck doing 70 km/hour. This stretch, 6 km in length, leads to Azambuja. We walked 100 meters and I suddenly stopped! "I am not doing this" I said to Dianne, "Lets get a bus or a taxi". I felt that the road was just too dangerous, and with 6 km of it to do it was not an attractive proposition. We were lucky that we soon hailed a taxi, and were soon at the Hotel Ouro.


Kat Davis's photo (Courtesy of www.followingthearrows.com) captures the reality
of this 6 km section of road.......you are expected to walk on a narrow strip at
the side of the road with big trucks approaching at 70 km/hour.

Hotel Ouro, on the roundabout leading into Azambuja

Standing guard over the nest

Attractive building in Azambuja; next to it was the Favorita restaurant where we had dinner.



By chance Yarus was in the very same restaurant, having walked 34 km