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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


Camino Portugués


Day To Distance Time Elevation in meters
Gain Loss Min Max
3 Santarém
Hotel Umu
26.45 6H07 5H18 116 64 1 111





Azambuja to Santarém is listed as a 32.3 km stage, and as this was only day 3 we wanted to reduce the distance slightly. We walked to Azambuja station and took the train to Reguengo .Whilst we saved some distance, we had to walk eastwards across country which took away about 3.5 km to the distance we had saved, to get back on the camino at Valada, a small village on the Rio Tejo.


More storks nesting


9-23 a.m. train

The dead straight road to Valada


The levee of the River Tejo leading to the coffee shop on the right..... a welcome break

Two of the very few people we met.... a Finnish couple


The church at Valada

The old school house

Lemons growing on trees nearby

...... and poppies in the fields

Grape cultivation for wine

Quinta de Marchanta

The railway bridge at Morgado

"I can't understand why they all walk to Santiago!"





Santarém in the distance

Under the A-13 road

The approach road to Santarém..... but it has a sting in the tail as the last 2 km goes on and on uphill


Santa Casa de Misericórdia

Santa Casa de Misericórdia is a Portuguese charity founded in Lisbon in 1498 by Queen Leonor of Portugal. It declares itself to be a Catholic lay brotherhood and to work through 14 Works of Mercy, seven of a spiritual nature: to teach the humble, to give good advice, to punish those who do wrong, to console the sad, to pardon offenses, to suffer patiently, to pray for the living and for the deceased; and seven of a corporeal nature: to visit the ill and imprisoned, to free captives, to clothe the naked, to feed the hungry and thirsty, to shelter travelers and to bury the dead. It is currently the oldest working NGO in the world, if not the first. It isn't supervised by the Church or the State.

After the Lisbon Santa Casa da Misericóridia de Lisboa, similar organizations were created in many other cities and towns of Portugal and of the former Portuguese Empire, like in Brazil, Macau and even in Nagasaki, Japan.

Prior do Crato

António, Prior of Crato (1531 – 1595), was a grandson of King Manuel I of Portugal and claimant of the Portuguese throne during the 1580 dynastic crisis. According to some historians, he was King of Portugal as António I of Portugal for 33 days in 1580. After the crowning of Philip II of Spain as King of Portugal, António claimed the throne until 1583.


Palacio da Justica (Palace of Justice)



The market



Hotel Umu


Hotel Umu